Therapy Billing Services

New to Therapy Billing Services?

Get access to professional, affordable & convenient billing.

Leveraging Technology to Maximize Revenue

We are an effective, cost saving extension of therapy practices with a goal of increasing receivables.  Whether you use a third-party service or do it in house, our integrated, comprehensive service provides therapy practices with more accurate billing, lower fees and increased savings of up to 5% over their current billing costs.  Our priority is to maximize revenue that far exceeds costs.

Since we exclusively bill for therapy practices, our priority is maximizing reimbursements for services rendered.


Our billing service was specifically designed to achieve superior results to include:

Maximizing Revenue and Efficiency

Maintaining Compliance

Deep and Transparent Reporting

What We Do...The Therapy Billing Services Process

Instantly verify insurance benefits and make billing adjustments

Follow-up on accepted, rejected, and overdue claims quickly and easily

File accurate claims and see quicker reimbursements with our medical billing software

Real-time claims processing

Real-time remittance processing

Custom clearinghouse


Our Mission is to provide the most proactive, innovative and customer-oriented therapy billing service in the industry

Why Choose Us...

Therapy Billing Service's comprehensive revenue management services uses the latest technology and the most experienced and accredited medical coding professionals to streamline your operations, reduce costs and grow your revenue.


We are an extension of your staff and the "bridge" between you and the reimbursement deserved for services rendered.



Therapy Billing Services is the epicenter of your financial heath.  Since we exclusively bill for therapy practices, our priority is maximizing reimbursements for services rendered through increased efficiency and cost reduction.  Therapy Billing Services will provide you with a custom solution that will not only reduce costs but increase revenue.


With a complex billing landscape, agencies need to stay apprised of the rules, regulations and billing procedures.  Our Comprehensive Revenue Management Service uses the latest technology and the most experienced and accredited medical coding and billing professionals to streamline operations and grow revenue.


Therapy Billing Services provides FULL visibility, accessibility and clarity to detailed, real-time claim activity allowing you to see exactly where you are within the claim process...not just a report summary or dashboard populated with info your current billing service or software "wants" you to see.

What To Expect

Up to 5% savings over your current billing costs

Increased efficiency and cost reduction

Optimized revenue so you can expand capacity

Supplement to existing staff for accelerated turnaround and increased accuracy

Maximized collections and revenue generation

Proactive claims filing process and revenue recapture which helps to alleviate unnecessary denials and appeals

Accelerated turnaround and increased accuracy

Full transparency and open communications

Real-time claims with direct access to your detailed, granular claim activity

Fully accredited dedicated account team

Mitigated compliance risk with certified billing coders

Custom clearinghouse

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